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All Rights Reserved

This website is hosted in the United States and subject to its governing laws.

All content within is owned and copyrighted by me, Michael E. Gruen, unless otherwise stated.

Generative AI has been used:

Generative AI has not been used:

This is to say, GenAI is squarely in a supporting role here.

You may link to this site from anywhere at any time and from any celestial body and/or interstellar vehicle. You may not republish any site content without express written permission (which is stupidly easy to get if you ask, and spitefully difficult if you don’t).

Links may include affiliate tracking so I can direct more capital to the non-profits I support. (I donate far more than whatever affiliate earnings this amounts to.) No content is sponsored. My opinions are not for sale. I am not responsible for anything you may find beyond the walls of this domain.

The internet can be a scary place.

Google Analytics may be tracking you if you have javascript enabled. (You probably do.) I use it to understand how you got here and what you’re reading on this site. I do not sell this data. Even if I did, no one would buy it. This is’s privacy policy.

These pages are served from flat files that are rebuilt every time I make an update to this site—which oscillates between daily and yearly.

If you’re still reading this… I’m impressed. Maybe we should work together.

E-mail me.

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